In Yo' Face!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Wave or No Wave?

Question: Do you wave to people you aren't sure are waving to you? You are going to look like a huge ass if they aren't waving to you. On the other hand, if they are waving to you and you don't return wave your an ass.

Sounds like the makings of a Seinfeld episode doesn't? Well, I mentioned I went to Clarendon Grill for Redskins pre-game today. Sometime around 12:30-ish I saw two girls who seemed to be waving in my direction. However, the bar was very dimming lit (as always), and they were a good 100+ ft away so I couldn't tell who it was. I could just make out the silhouette of two women waving. I sort of acknowledged the wave with a head nod and thought about waving back and then thought... what girls do I know that would show up at Redskins pre-game? That doubt made me assume the girls were waving to people at a different table and I didn't wave back. So this moment passed and I didn't think anything of it.

So I'm home later that night and Heather and Tara are in the kitchen. They bring up that they saw me at Clarendon Grill waved and I didn't wave back. Heather's friend apparently were like... "why isn't he waving back?". I had no idea it was them waving. First off my roommates NEVER watch football so why would they be a the Grill for the Redskins pre-game show broadcast? Also, I knew Heather had two guests in staying with us... so if it was four girls rather than two girls I might have pieced it together. As it was, I guess they went to the Grill for brunch b/c they didn't want to cook and had no idea about the whole pre-game thing going on. So anyway, my roommates thought WTF when I didn't wave back. They noticed I did acknowledge them with a head nod so I guess that made it worse. But I've explained my side and they understand what the deal was.

Conclusion: Next time I'll just wave. If they're strangers they'll just be confused. Better to confuse people who don't know you than have people who do know you think you're a prick.

Sports Junkies @ CGrill

In the never ending quest to find things to do that Steve can actually get permission to do... decided it might be cool to go to Clarendon Grill for the live broacast of the WHFS Sports Junkies Redskins pre-game show.
I got there a few mins earlier than the guys. Only 3 of the four junkies were there when the show started (EB,Lurch,Cakes). Lurch has a Shawn Alexander Seahawks jersey on even though he's a 49ers fan and this is Redskin pre-game. Donkey. JP strolled thru the door tens minutes late and took his seat on the stage.

Brandon and Ben showed up about 11:15. Steve, after ignoring our voice mails and text message taunts arrived at maybe noon. The place was a little less crowded than I expected. But the show held to form. EB was triple teamed by the other Junkies as they all blasted his Skins. People called in with boneheaded fantasy football questions and were ridiculed. Lurch fabricated some things for the show like saying their was a table of Panther fans in front of there wasn't.

Three of the Junkies stopped by our table one by one during various commerical breaks. JP was definitely the most conversational. Shared a lot of good inside stuff like Smoot had no attention span on air and Gardner was a mush mouth. Lurch was pretty cool too. Cakes, well, not so much. But Cakes was managing a Toys 'R US five years ago and probably hates the general public.

After the Junks show was over we stuck around for the Skins game. Skins offense still looked terrible just like the first few weeks. But the bears were worse. Seriously they only have one player whos legit. Despite that it was a 13-10 squeaker of a win.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Goodwill Hunting

Well, today was the day I had set aside to find the clothes for my costume. The "Tyrone Biggums" outfit only has a few simple pieces. There is the blue hoodie sweatshirt, the red knit cap, a heart shaped locket, and a tattered beige suit. I needed to find the suit for reasonable $$$. So Goodwill was the only way to get that accomplished.

I hit up 3 goodwills. You see the types of people who never really intersect with your world at the goodwill. That also happens when you go to Van Halen concerts but with a different set of people (rednecks). At the goodwill their were a lot of first generation immigrants who seem even less americanized than the office cleaning ladies. Makes me feel a little odd taking a perfectly fine suit from Goodwill just to wear as a costume. These people actually NEED these clothes and I'm going to soil the suit up, put a rip in on of the pant legs and wear it one night....

After goodwill I went to KMART in annandale for the blue hoodie. I hadn't been to Kmart in maybe 8 years. So now I'm home and I've put it all on. Doesn't really fit snug at all. I'm swimming in these clothes. So rather than looking like an emaciated crackhead... I look like a broke ass wide ass version of Sug Knight (hopefully what I just wrote never makes it to Sug or I'm dead) . Well, the white powder on the lips and my can a Red Bull (Red Balls, its like crack in a can) will round out the costume.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Damn Yankees!

Everybody was making the Red Sox the favorite. I didn't totally buy into it, but I wanted to. So tired of the Yankees. Well, about the worst possible start to the series for the Sox tonight. The sox ace, probable CY Young winner Curt Schilling, gets pummelled and in all liklihood is injured and out for the season. Meanwhile, Mike Mussina take a no hitter againt the best lineup in the majors deep into the game. Sure there was a valiant comeback effort but too little too late.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

3rd Annual Helloween Bash

It IS official. Ben finally caved to peer pressure. The tradition will continue. The evite for our 3rd Annual Halloween Paaaaarty has been sent out! Too bad the damn fool lives in *BFE* Chantilly now... but otherwise its all good.
We know the drill by now. We for the next couple of weeks need to regularly harrass Buddy into coming. We'll check the Evite every 20 minutes anyway even though Evite would send us an email if their was any activity. Ben will neglect his real job to make decorations only he cares about. I'll pick a costume that is too inner circle and maybe 5% of party goers will know what the fuck I am.
Brian will come as a cowboy. Fabio will come w/o a costume for the 3rd year in a row... but this year I'll introduce him to everyone as Smeagol if he pulls that crap. The fog machine will spazz. Drinking! Someone will hijack the stereo and put the top 40 stuff on. More drinking! As the night goes on and the more intoxicated I get I will in all liklihood only fulfill my duties as party photographer by taking pictures of women. Ben will start drinking straight from the bottle of Jack Daniels en route to passing out mid party. I could go on and on..